For reservation information please contact Amalia van Niekerk
Cell:+27 82 372 8637
Directions from Cape Town
Travel north from Cape Town on the West Coast road (R27) direction Velddrif.
Turn right onto gravel road just before Langebaan/Langebaan Road intersection – across West Coast Engen One-Stop.
When travelling at night, you will see a big yellow reflector cross at the entrance.
Continue for 3km and enter Main Gate.
Follow signs to reception and restaurant.
Directions from Malmesbury
Continue North on Voortrekker Street and turn right on N7.
After 5.8km turn left on the R45 direction Hopefield.
After 74.8km turn left on Oostewal Road (Langebaan turn-off; big wall of Air force base on right).
When you reach the R27 crossing, turn left.
Turn left again on gravel road after 300m.
When travelling at night, you will see a big yellow reflector cross at the entrance.
Continue for 3km and enter Main Gate.
Follow signs to reception and restaurant.